How to Create Awareness and Change for American Heart Month
With heart disease being the number 1 killer within the United States, the top killer of women, and one of the most prominent diseases in the world, you can see that major strides need to be taken to prevent and improve the rates of heart disease all over the globe.
While this is a daunting task for one organization to take on alone, the entire medical and health community can make strides together to create great impact on heart disease’s grasp on the world population.
That’s why we’re encouraging you to get involved this February and propecia where buy raise American Heart Month awareness so that together we can reduce the number of deaths from heart attacks, strokes and heart disease. Here are our top 5 ways to create change and bring American Heart Month awareness:
1.) Wear Red
February 5th is National Wear Red Day, so get your team to dress in red, grab attention, and spread the word about the importance of women getting screened and taking preventative measures against cardiovascular disease.
According to the American Heart Association, “It’s (heart disease) the No. 1 killer of women, it kills more women than all forms of cancer combined, and it kills more women than men. It’s often called the Silent Killer because heart disease victims often don’t even know they have it, so they don’t get treated or make healthy lifestyle changes.”
2.) Use Your Resources
You may be giving your patients all the medical information about cardiovascular disease and their personal chance of risk, but are you giving them the tools to combat it?
Utilize these resources from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association to give your patients tools they can use every day for stress management, tracking their blood pressure, getting their family to be active with them, weight management, smoking cessation and more.
3.) Donate
Whether you donate your time to an event, your resources to a local fundraiser, there are tons of ways to donate in addition to your traditional monetary donation.
One way we’re giving back for this year’s American Heart Month is by donating a portion of the all proceeds from online orders made to Central Uniforms in February to the American Heart Association.

Corporate logo on Central Uniforms scrubs.
4.) Get Out in Your Community
While wearing red is an excellent way to raise awareness, creating change requires getting in the trenches and walking side by side with those you’re trying to help.
We loved the ideas from including hosting an American Heart Month event at a local school, health/fitness/recreation center, or library, hosting CPR and AED training events, hosting a 20-minute group walk around your office at lunchtime, and cooking a heart-healthy recipe in a group demonstration.
5.) Be Social
Use your social media channels to make heart health the main topic of conversation for your audience during American Heart Month.
You can create content on your blog, in your email newsletter and on your Facebook and Twitter accounts. has additional resources and toolkits with templates, prompts and sample tweets to get you started , but don’t forget to add in some personality by sharing personal success stories of your staff and patients (if they consent, of course) and sharing pictures and encouragement those aforementioned community events.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg, there’s plenty of other ways to get creative with these ideas and get involved with your community.
Share how your office/practice/facility is planning to create change and bring awareness to heart health on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn!