How to Create Awareness and Change for American Heart Month

With heart disease being the number 1 killer within the United States, the top killer of women, and one of the most prominent diseases in the world, you can see that major strides need to be taken to prevent and improve the rates of heart disease all over the globe. While this is a daunting Continue Reading..

4 Reasons To Get Your Team Corporate Branded Uniforms

Do you have a problem with employees not dressing as well as you’d like them to for work, whether that’s clothing that’s not appropriate or not up to your standards of professionalism? Do you feel like your workforce needs to look more the part of the successful business they are a part of? Those are Continue Reading..

Gifts for Healthcare Workers in Your Life

We love the holidays, but the one thing that always trips us up on time and energy is deciding on the perfect gifts for certain people on our lists. Sure, the decorating, holiday baking, and holiday movie watching is easy, but buying gifts is a whole other ball game, especially when you have to get Continue Reading..

How to Have a Healthier Holiday Season

Now that Halloween is behind us, we’re officially in the midst of the holiday season. Turkey tabletop decorations and wintery garlands are starting to make their appearance, and you might find that in the next several weeks, some additional pounds can be making an appearance as well. Now don’t get us wrong, we love the Continue Reading..

Our Favorite Ways to Add Flair to Your Work Uniforms

Have you ever seen the movie Office Space? Well, it was on TV the other week and even after watching it a hundred times, it’s still just as hilarious and we still love Jennifer Aniston’s character and her “flair” just as much as we did the first time watching it. Sure, Jennifer Aniston’s character wasn’t Continue Reading..

Our Favorite Ways to Practice Yoga During the Workday

With September being National Yoga Month, we thought we’d tack on to our post about the 5 Ways to a Healthier Workday with some yoga-specific tips for bringing this healthy practice in to your work week. Not only can incorporating yoga in to your overall fitness routine help calm anxiety, reduce stress, and increase mental Continue Reading..

How to Take Care of Your Lab Coats and Scrubs for Long-Time Wear

While some industries and workplaces are lucky enough to have a laundry service do the dirty work for them, many us still have to do the cleaning ourselves when it comes to washing our lab coats and scrubs. To keep your career wear looking vibrant and in tip-top shape for as long as possible given the wear and tear we know your uniforms go through, here are our top care tips for long-time wear.

5 Ways to a Healthy Workday

Life’s tough and it’s not always easy to make it to the gym before your early morning shift, or after you’ve spent 10 hours on your feet at work. It can feel like packing a healthy lunch is really the only bit we can control when it comes to having a healthy workday, but even Continue Reading..